How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact
Jane E. Dutton & Gretchen M. Spreitzer, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. (2014)
“Relational mindfulness goes beyond being cooperative. It includes a capacity to celebrate when others do well. Often, people feel jealous when they compare themselves to others, and such negative social comparisons lead to resentment towards others’ happiness. To rejoice with the happiness of others strengthens your social ties in any negotiation. Beyond being able to experience sympathetic joy in the positive outcomes of others, relational mindfulness includes being friendly and kind to others. Kindness is not a passive state, but an active practice.
Cultivating kindness towards others encompasses intentional thoughts, feelings, and behavior (p. 78).”
How to Be a Positive Leader is available from the OSU Leadership Center.
Learn how the Ohio State University Leadership Center is inspiring others to take a leadership role that empowers the world at the OSU Leadership Center website.
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