Keys to Team Success

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The following is a short book preview about keys to team success contributed by the Ohio State University Leadership Center.

Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance
Gibb Dyer, Jr., Jeffrey H. Dyer, and William G. Dyer; San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (2013)

“Leaders of organizations must be willing to create team-friendly environments for teams to function effectively. This means that they must do the following:

  1. Identify the kinds of work activities for which teamwork is likely to prove essential to accomplish the task.
  2. Use the structure of the organization to reinforce team membership in accomplishing the organization’s goals.
  3. Select team members on the basis of clear criteria for team membership.
  4. Train managers and team members on the dynamics of effective teams and team leadership.
  5. Reward team members for team performance.
  6. Set aside time for teams to be involved in regular team-building activities.
  7. Help teams develop a competency at team building.
  8. Use appropriate technologies, particularly in the case of virtual teams, to communicate, solve problems, and make decisions.
  9. Periodically review team performance, even if there are no apparent problems.
  10. Provide support to help managers and team leaders improve team performance (p. 270-272).”

Team Building is available from the OSU Leadership Center.

Learn how the Ohio State University Leadership Center is inspiring others to take a leadership role that empowers the world at the OSU Leadership Center website.

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On November 20, 2017
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